I always love the opportunity to help my friends pursue their professional dreams, so I was excited when my friend Terri contacted me asking for help with a logo for her new real estate business. She had created an image in the Over app that was close to what she wanted, but wisely sought professional help in making a versatile mark that would display well across different mediums. As you can see below her original logo (on the left) would lose readability at smaller sizes, and printing it in one color or all white would be a problem. Also, she had no usage rights to the feather image. So I created a custom feather illustration for her and moved it out of the way so it would no longer obstruct the text. And now she has a clean, easily scale-able and printable logo that should serve her business well. So, if you live in the New Albany, IN area, you should contact Terri to help with your house-hunting or staging, because she’s awesome. And you should always seek professional help when you need a logo.
Left: original design Right: after logo makeover